Honey Simple Syrup
A simple syrup is a liquid sweetener and additive that you can use to lighten up a bitter or harsh flavor. Used in all manners of cooking, it is a quite common ingredient in alcoholic beverages to sweeten the flavor and cut the sharp taste of a liquor. Typically made from sugar solids dissolved at high temp in water or some other liquid, we elect to steer clear of sugar solids and un-natural sweeteners to use Honey. Honey offers many benefits on it's own, and when teamed up with CBD, it makes for a great additive to your drinks, foods, and treats that need a sweetener.
Ingredients -
- 1/4 cup of your favorite Colorado Hemp Honey
- 1/4 cup water *Pro Tip: Use distilled water to prevent odd flavor takeovers.
Suggested Ingredients for specialized use.
- 1oz of Citrus Peel strips
- 2-3 sprigs of your favorite mint leaf
- 1oz Strips of your favorite dried fruits
- Using soft fruit will lower shelf life to approximately 2 weeks when stored in refrigerator.
- Add water and honey to small saucepan over low/medium heat
- Do not allow to boil
- Stir until honey is dissolved into the water fully
- Transfer to an airtight container while still warm (Do not put cap on)
- Add any suggested ingredients - such as lemon peel for a natural lemon oil infusion.
- Allow to cool to touch before applying the lid to your container. Keep refrigerated for long term storage.
While stored at refrigerated temperatures your simple syrup will be good for use throughout the next month.
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