The Story of a How a Retired NFL Player Found Miralon and Helped his Entire Family

I was born in 1970 and started playing tackle football in 1979, at the age of 9. Football was a major part of my life from then until I retired from the Jacksonville Jaguars in 1999, at the age of 29.

Football was my passion and was a major part of my life- High School (1984-1988); Boston College (1988-1992) where I was honored by being inducted into the BC Hall of Fame; and onto the Jacksonville Jaguars as a middle linebacker for 5 years, in the mid-to-late 90’s.

Over the years football took its toll on my body. As all professional athletes, but particularly NFL players, I got pretty banged and my body took a beating, both on the field and in the weight room. On top of the regular wear and tear, I suffered a few acute injuries while playing - a Torn ACL in 1997 and a ruptured tendon underneath my ankle in 1999.

After I retired, I began to realize the damage I have done to my body. I suffered from knee pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, joint pain, and feet pain. I guess I wasn’t different from any other athlete – professional or amateur – who abused his body until he was 30, except that my pain was probably more severe. Athletics of our youth eventually catches up with all of us!

I tried everything other than opioids - NSAIDs (Aleve, Tylenol, Advil), anti-inflammatory medications and anything else that I thought could relieve the pain. I tried a lot of CBD products. Nothing helped. I was in constant pain and discomfort; but I needed to find a way to keep up my physical conditioning. It was essential for my mental health and overall well-being.

Then, I was asked to participate in Dr. Vad’s study of Miralon at the New York Hospital for Special Surgery. I was skeptical because I thought all CBD products were the same. But I was ready to try anything, so I agreed to participate in the study.

I started taking 2 Miralon gel tabs/day. After a week, amazingly I started to feel better. The pain subsided (from a 9 to a 4). After 2 weeks the pain reduced to a 2. I was able to keep working out and running. I even started a rock band, as the lead singer.

I encouraged my wife, who owns a boutique fitness studio, to try it. She fell in love with the roll-on and organic creams, as they immediately took the edge off her pain level in her feet, knees, and neck.

Then, I thought I would see how Miralon would work on my oldest daughter. She has ADD and I hated the fact that the doctors were prescribing her medication with narcotics. She is normally a happy, sweet and positive teenager. The narcotics were affecting her whole disposition and her Mom and I didn’t like it. I had her try Miralon and it worked! It was not as strong as the narcotic medications; but, it was strong enough to give her the right focus and made her feel like herself again, which was great.

My youngest daughter experiences extreme anxiety. I decided to see if Miralon would help her as well. Incredibly, it totally calmed her down!

Miralon was doing so well for my family that I decided to keep going. My mother and mother in-law both suffer from arthritis, so I sent them Miralon creams. Both received immediate pain relief and are now regular Miralon users.

I’m highly recommend Miralon! It has done incredible things for me and my family - pain relief, better focus and calming of their nerves.  Thanks, Dr. Vad.