I Tried CBD Catnip for a Week. Here’s What it Did to My Cat
What can I say about my cat, Luna? She is…mischievous, crafty, and adorable. It’s a dangerous combo. Because she is so active and scattered, I’m always looking for new ways to keep her happy but calm. The other day I was picking up some CBD gummies for myself and came across a new cbd pet product section. The CBD industry seems to be more geared towards dogs in my opinion, so I didn’t think they’d have anything for Luna. But I decided to pop over to see if there was any cbd for cats. To my surprise, I found the spray that would change our lives for the better: Holistapet CBD Infused Cat Nip Spray.
For those of you who don’t know what catnip does to cats, you should check out some videos on YouTube. You’ll be laughing for days. Luna had never had catnip before, but I had been doing a little research about the benefits of it. I learned that when some cats smell cat nip it can put them in a sort of “high”, causing relaxation and euphoria. So of course, I bought it for her.
That same night I sprayed the catnip and after a few adorably dainty sniffs, she casually sauntered away. I felt disappointed. I’d spent more for the CBD catnip than I would for regular catnip, because I love how CBD makes me feel and I’d hoped Luna would enjoy it too. But then something awesome happened. She started purring and weaving through my legs, something she rarely does. Then she was laying on her back fervently trying to bite her paws. My husband and I could not stop cracking up! After about 10 minutes she quieted down, curled up next to me in a little ball and slept all the way through the night. Luna usually wakes me up a couple times in the middle of the night to either go out or play. I’m thrilled that she responded to the Holistapet CBD catnip spray so well. After just one week of using it, we knew it would be a staple among Luna’s many pampering products.
I also discovered that Holistapet also makes grain-free, salmon flavored CBD cat treats that helps cats reduce anxiety, so I bought a bag of those too. Luna’s a pretty picky feline, but she seems to like them. If you’re looking for something that may promote a fun yet calming sensation for your cat, then I recommend giving the spray and the treats try!
- Haley V., South Dakota