Boost Your Energy with CBD

Many people who use CBD testify to its ability to help reduce pain and anxiety and even depression. But did you know CBD can also help you improve your focus and energy? As research investigating the benefits of CBD continues, some reports suggest that CBD may also provide a boost in energy and be useful as a stimulant.

CBD for energy varies depending on what form best suits you. CBD can come in the form of soft gels, energy drink mixes, coffee and more. Once you choose what works best for you, be sure to follow the instructions on the label and not exceed the dosage indicated on the packaging. It’s recommended that you consult your physician before consuming CBD products.

There’s dozens of great CBD energy products. Here are three great products to try.

CBDaF! CBD Softgels - 100mg, 5ct clean energy without all the jitters!. Whether you’re struggling to find energy in the morning or throughout the day, CBDaFsoftgels provide a one of a kind blend to help BOOST your moodGet yours here.

H Hemp Lollipops Blood Orange - CBG+CBD Energy Pop helps with energy production by fueling your body with vitamins and superfoods. Get yours here.

Crazy Calm Insta-Coffee Satchets, 20mg CBD - 10ct- Enhance your daily ritual with cleaner energy in convenient, on-the-go packets with little to no caffeine crash. CBD infused organic coffee is a great way to boost your day! Get yours here.

Want to find out more CBD products for energy? Visit BTR Brands and shop online or look for a list of our Valley-wide retail store locations. Our CBD Consultants are knowledgeable and can help you find the perfect CBD relief for you!